Arlanda Airport to Stockholm Sweden Sarah Latham

Visiting Stockholm from Arlanda Airport? There are multiple ways to get into the Swedish capital from Arlanda Airport, including taxis, buses (check out FlixBus timetable and pricing here) and trains. Taxis are the more expensive option due to the distance between Arlanda Airport and Stockholm and buses are the cheapest option. When travelling by train, there are two main options for travelling from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm (or Stockholm to Arlanda Airport) – one is more expensive and more is more reasonable. Read on to find out more.

Suggested read: The best things to do in Stockholm, Sweden

Please note: this is based on my own experiences (not sponsored) but I wanted to share to cut down the research time you have to do to find this information online to hopefully help anyone else in the future! Please remember to check official pages for any changes before travelling yourself.

Arlanda Airport to Stockholm Sweden Sarah Latham

What is the best way to get to Stockholm from Arlanda Airport via train?

There are multiple ways to get from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm. Due to the distance between Stockholm and this airport, a lot of people opt to take the train, which takes you to Stockholm Centre. However, there are two train options – one more expensive (Arlanda Express train) and one far more reasonable (the SL Commuter train).

How can I save money getting to Stockholm from Arlanda Airport?

As mentioned above, if you want to travel from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm without blowing the bank take the SL Commuter train from Arlanda Central Station (inside Arlanda Airport) to Stockholm Central Station (rather than the Arlanda Express train). The Commuter train is about half the price of the Arlanda Express and only about 10-15 minutes longer than the express option (35 minutes into central Stockholm on the SL Commuter train vs 20 minutes into central Stockholm on the Arlanda Express). It can be hard to find information on the SL Commuter train (as everywhere (including the signs in the airport) pushes you towards Arlanda Express but it is not difficult or inconvenient to take this train and will save you quite a bit of money.

The price difference between the SL Commuter train and the Arlanda Express?

At time of writing, the Arlanda Express train one-way tickets are 299 SEK ($42AUD/£23) and return 579 SEK ($82AUD/£46) whereas the SL Commuter train is 169 SEK each way ($24AUD/£13.50).

How do I buy a ticket for the SL Commuter train?

SL Commuter train tickets are available at Arlanda Central Airport (in Arlanda Airport) and at Stockholm Central Station at the ticket desks. The regular price for these trains are 39 SEK ($5.50/£3); however, there is an airport fee of 130 SEK that is included in your fare when you are embarking or disembarking at the airport. You pay your regular fare + the airport fee when you buy your ticket for 169 SEK. The tickets are valid for 2 hours after your purchase them so purchase them at the station before travelling.

Arlanda Airport to Stockholm Sweden Sarah Latham

How to get the SL Commuter train from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm?

When you arrive in Arlanda Airport, look for signs for the Arlanda Central Station. There are minimal signs (most signs are for the Arlanda Express train which is not the same station) so it can be easier to ask airport workers who can point you in the right direction. Arlanda Airport is quite big so be sure to save time to get to the station. You can find Arlanda Central Station inside Arlanda Airport on Google Maps here.

Arlanda Central Station Arlanda Airport to Stockholm Sweden Sarah Latham

Where does the SL Commuter train from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm go?

Conveniently, the SL Commuter train takes you to Stockholm Central. Stockholm Central Train Station can be found on Google Maps here and is a convenient disembarkment point for those coming to Stockholm for a holiday and those exploring Gamla Stan, Stockholm’s old town. The SL Commuter train also travels to Uppsala from Arlanda Airport in about 20 minutes, if you are wanting to also explore Uppsala during your Sweden trip.

How to identify SL Commuter train on Google Maps

When looking at how to get from Stockholm to Arlanda Airport on Google Maps public transport setting, Google shows all options including the Arlanda Express and the SL Commuter train. When I was visiting I looked for the pink line on Google Maps as shown below.

Arlanda Airport to Stockholm Sweden Sarah Latham

Enjoy your visit to Stockholm, whether you visit in Summer or Winter (like I did!) you’ll be in for a fantastic time.

Monteliusvagen Stockholm Look Out View Point Sarah Latham

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