Sarah Latham Isabella Falls Cairns

Heard of Isabella Falls? The Cairns locals’ favourite waterfall tucked away in the Cairns suburb of Edmonton? Find out how to get to this piece of rainforest paradise hidden just outside of view.

Please note that Isabella Falls can be a dangerous spot so be very careful. This blog was accurate at the time it was written but please ensure you check any signs in the area or any updates before visiting.

Isabella Falls Edmonton Cairns Sarah Latham

Where is Isabella Falls?

Isabella Falls is found in the suburb of Edmonton, a roughly 20 minute drive south from Cairns City (Google Maps directions here). Although you would expect it to be found deep within the tropical rainforest, the beauty of Cairns being situated beside and among the rainforest, is this is one of the easiest waterfalls to drive to – in fact, you don’t even leave Cairns.

How to get to Isabella Falls?

Drive down Mulgrave Road heading south until you come across the intersection for Edmonton at Mill Road. From here travel down Mill Road as it turns into Hambledon Road until you reach the McDonalds, situated on the left of an intersection. Turn right here onto Walker Road and follow this road along. This road will turn right and change to Wiseman Road. You need to follow this road until you come to the appropriately named Rainforest Road on the left, and then turn right onto (again appropriately named) Waterfall Close on the right. You can find Google Map directions here.

Isabella Falls Edmonton Cairns Sarah Latham

Where to park for Isabella Falls?

The pathway to Isabella Falls is at the end of Waterfall Close. Due to this waterfall not being on the tourist trail and is still a relatively hidden gem in Cairns, you can park on this street (be mindful of the driveways and homes!).

Isabella Falls Edmonton Cairns Sarah Latham

The Pathway to Isabella Falls

After you’ve parked, you’ll see a clearly marked pathway leading between the houses into the rainforest. It couldn’t be simpler – just follow this path!

The pathway will soon end and become a rainforest track – it is still easy to see the rainforest track and to keep following it. Unfortunately this waterfall is not very accessible for anyone with mobility issues due to the rainforest track to the bottom of Isabella Falls and then the subsequent incline through the rainforest if you wish to go further than the bottom of the falls.

The Lower Section of Isabella Falls

After about 5 or so minutes of following this rainforest path, you’ll come to the lower section of Isabella Falls. This section will truly take your breath away and you’ll be amazed that this piece of rainforest can exist within the Cairns suburb of Edmonton. This is a great place to stop, swim and enjoy the afternoon. However, be warned there are often mosquitoes here so come prepared with repellent!

Isabella Falls Edmonton Cairns Sarah Latham

Continuing On

Once you’ve admired the beautiful bottom section of the falls, it’s time to begin the rainforest trek. The next part of exploring Isabella Falls involves following the rainforest up until you reach two other sections. Please note this part can become quite difficult – it is definitely possible but it takes a little bit more effort than the rainforest path so far. However, those who do will be rewarded with this stunning spot below.

Sarah Latham Isabella Falls Cairns

There is enough room here to clamber over the rocks and admire the waterfall and this spot is where you’ll often find other Cairns locals enjoying Isabella Falls. I personally haven’t ventured further than this spot in several years but for those who are keen to explore, you can continue to follow the rainforest trek up (remember to exercise caution as you do so!) and you’ll find this next waterfall spot below.

(Please don’t ask me why the image is so washed out – it’s a sign it’s time for me to explore up to the top of Isabella Falls again to shoot more recent photos from there! Haha)

Isabella Falls Edmonton Cairns Sarah Latham

Isabella Falls in Edmonton is a beautiful spot to spend an afternoon and unlike a number of waterfalls in the Cairns region it is considerably closer to the city. You could spend some time here as a half-day excursion or combine it into a larger waterfall adventure exploring the waterfalls in the south of Cairns (suggested read: 10 things to do near Innisfail).

Isabella Falls Edmonton Cairns Sarah Latham

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